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Sexual Abuse Crisis Line: 515-292-5378 or Toll Free 800-203-3488
Domestic Violence Crisis Line: 515-292-0519 or Toll Free 855-983-4641
Housing/Sheltering Services Crisis Line: 515-292-0543 or Toll Free 855-696-2980
ACCESS Business Line: 515-292-0500 or Fax 515-292-0505
While our mission’s focus is helping survivors of domestic and sexual abuse, homicide and other violent crime, we offer many more services that seek to help those find social justice. All services provided by ACCESS are free and confidential:
24-hour Crisis Lines: Listening, support, information and advocacy
Housing: Safe, temporary emergency sheltering and housing for victims and their children.
Youth Advocacy Programs: Counseling, advocacy, outings, and play groups.
Individual Counseling: Short-term counseling to adult survivors of child sexual abuse, sexual abuse, domestic abuse, dating violence, homicide or other violent crime.
Support Groups: Support groups for survivors who have experienced or witnessed violence.
Advocacy: Support, information and referrals for clients working with the legal, medical, or social service systems.
Community Education: Educational programming for schools, community groups, organizations, and agencies.
Crisis Response Services: Problem solving, safety planning, acute crisis counseling, advocacy as part of the Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) and Domestic Abuse Response Team (DART).
See our Locations page to learn more about the services and shelters nearest you or click the links to the left to learn more about us and to get involved.